
Assembly OpenTechSchool


hackerinnen.space originated from our personal experience that it is quite hard for non-male people in the Tech sector to spot other non-male people in the same field. Oftentimes you even think that there are no such people in your own city. But that is not the reality, we're here! On this website we share our personal experience and want to encourage people to participate in the creation of software, to contribute to the web and other technologies, to be creative, to learn together and exchange ideas - to hack together. Even though it sometimes looks different, not all programmers are men. This initiative does not imply that we dislike men or want to distance ourselves from them. On the contrary, we all do know many men who love Tech and programming as much as we do, and we highly value them! By the way, many of them also wish for more diversity in Tech. Because Tech is colorful and doesn't have a gender.


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