Assange, Manning, Hackers, Whistleblowers and Freedom of Communication


A place to discuss, organize, collect and gather ressources about Assange, Manning, whistleblowers and free speech.

Our communities have been profoundly impacted by WikiLeaks and the War on Journalism waged by the US. Extradition of Assange to the US would have tragic consequences on our capacities to organize online, to collect and publish secret material, and to make bridge between courageous investigative journalists and talented hackers.

This assembly is to be seen as a place to gather and discuss. To fact-check and plan, but also to heal, as a lot of damage has been done in our communities around mis-information and ego issues.

Join discussion sessions, collective fact-gathering efforts, and screenings.

Because Courage is contagious, even in those troubled times...

assembly rooms

assembly events

assembly badges

Thumbnail Badge Found the Warlog stash!

Found the Warlog stash!

Thumbnail Badge By the -other- campfire...

By the -other- campfire...

Thumbnail Badge [SOURCE PROTECTED]


Thumbnail Badge I visited Guantanamarsh!

I visited Guantanamarsh!

Thumbnail Badge Found your place in Guantanamarsh

Found your place in Guantanamarsh

Thumbnail Badge A nice warm campfire...

A nice warm campfire...

Thumbnail Badge You reached the [CLASSIFIED]7

You reached the [CLASSIFIED]7

Thumbnail Badge Helped make badges happen. Badger! Badger! Badger! Badger!

Helped make badges happen. Badger! Badger! Badger! Badger!

Thumbnail Badge Has got Anything to Say

Has got Anything to Say

Thumbnail Badge KISS MY APP!!!


Self-organized Sessions

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