Screening "XY Chelsea" + discussion with activists from 'Free Chelsea!' (Berlin)
XY CHELSEA by Tim Travers Hawkins, 2019 (ENG w/ GER subs.) An intimate biopic about the life and persecution of Chels...
Habt alle eine schöne letzte Nacht in der rC3-Welt! Viel Spaß beim Erkunden der Maps, die Ihr noch nicht kennt. Denkt dran, Eure Badges zu exportieren (im Profil). 😉 Kommt gut ins neue Jahr – hoffentlich wird es für uns alle besser und flauschiger als das letzte. // Have a great last night at the rC3-2d-world, you all! Enjoy exploring the maps you don't already know. Remember to export your badges (in your profile). 😉 You all have a happy new year! May it be better and "fluffyer" than the last one.
A place to discuss, organize, collect and gather ressources about Assange, Manning, whistleblowers and free speech.
Our communities have been profoundly impacted by WikiLeaks and the War on Journalism waged by the US. Extradition of Assange to the US would have tragic consequences on our capacities to organize online, to collect and publish secret material, and to make bridge between courageous investigative journalists and talented hackers.
This assembly is to be seen as a place to gather and discuss. To fact-check and plan, but also to heal, as a lot of damage has been done in our communities around mis-information and ego issues.
Join discussion sessions, collective fact-gathering efforts, and screenings.
Because Courage is contagious, even in those troubled times...
XY CHELSEA by Tim Travers Hawkins, 2019 (ENG w/ GER subs.) An intimate biopic about the life and persecution of Chels...
What tactics to get oppressed publishers and whistleblowers out of jail? How to rally and to act on the institutional ...
As London-based journalists covering Assange's extradition proceedings, Tareq and Mohammed will host an in-depth discuss...
Journalists are under attack globally for doing their jobs. Julian Assange is facing a 175 year sentence for publishing ...
How arts can tell a story as dark and complex as the story of WikiLeaks, Assange and his political persecution? How thro...
The verdict in Assange's extradition from the UK to the US (where he faces 175y in supermax prison for publishing public...
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