Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht 2020:
Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht schaut zurück und nach vorne: Was sind die aktuell relevantesten netzpolitischen Debatt...
Habt alle eine schöne letzte Nacht in der rC3-Welt! Viel Spaß beim Erkunden der Maps, die Ihr noch nicht kennt. Denkt dran, Eure Badges zu exportieren (im Profil). 😉 Kommt gut ins neue Jahr – hoffentlich wird es für uns alle besser und flauschiger als das letzte. // Have a great last night at the rC3-2d-world, you all! Enjoy exploring the maps you don't already know. Remember to export your badges (in your profile). 😉 You all have a happy new year! May it be better and "fluffyer" than the last one.
Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht schaut zurück und nach vorne: Was sind die aktuell relevantesten netzpolitischen Debatt...
Most synthesis goes from hardware description languages to FPGA bitstreams or ASIC designs, but what else can you do? In...
Willkommen zur ersten und hoffentlich einzigen Remote Chaos Experience!
When people develop carpal tunnel or various medical conditions, it can be difficult to use mainstream input mechanisms ...
Lesung aus "Die Unvollkommenen", Vorstellung des aktuellen Buchprojekts "PANTOPIA" und lockere Q&A mit der deutschen Sci...
They stole our future. Let's take it back. Here at the end of the world, it's time to take stock. Is technology a force...
Lesung aus N.S.A. und lockeres Gespräch mit dem deutschen SciFi-Autor. Mitmachen unter: https://firesidechats.rc3.world...
[EN] The OPENCOIL exhibition explores the impact of micro-mobility services on urban space by using its decentralise...
Bluetooth is still the best technology we have in a smartphone to implement exposure notifications. It is safe to use th...
A firsthand look at efforts to improve diversity in software and hackerspace communities Hacking, as a mode of technica...
Auch wenn CO2-Moleküle und Corona-Viren naturwissenschaftlich nicht vergleichbar sind, bilden sie eine seltsame Allianz ...
Live Conversation with Bruce Schneier. Audience questions can be submitted via chat and have a chance to be asked by mod...
During this event, we will discuss and propose basic safeguards that should be included in the DSA legislative package t...
In den letzten Monaten der coronabedingten Kulturkrise hat sich aus der Initiative von unterschiedlichen Clubs, Clubverb...
Ob sie von Biontec, Curevac oder Moderna kommen werden, schon jetzt haben sich wenige reiche Länder den Löwenanteil der ...
Everyone knows and loves the famous line from the cinematic masterpiece where the IT-Security specialist asks the CPU ar...
Lesung und lockeres Gespräch mit der vielfach ausgezeichneten deutschen Bestseller-Autorin. Mitmachen unter: https://fi...
In this talk, I aim to report and show a collection of observations, physical, visual and other evidence of the last yea...
Die globale Informationsoperation der 5-Eyes-Allianz & Verbündeter mit FBI, Europol et. al., sowie den nationalen Innen-...
Immer neue Hitzerekorde, Dürresommer und Naturkatastrophen führen uns immer drastischer vor Augen, dass ein ungebremster...
Dieser Vortrag beschreibt die Entwicklung von QAnon als Spiel mit Realität und überlegt, weshalb dieser Verschwörungsmyt...
Politicians, economists and even some natural scientists have tended to assume that tipping points in the Earth system —...
The Google/Apple Exposure Notifications protocol (GAEN) and COVID-19 contact tracings apps using it are probably among t...
The depiction of Nazis in games tends to downplay their atrocities and facilitate the normalization of fascist aesthetic...
Fireside Chat with Cory Doctorow. Make sure not to miss Cory's main talk "What the cyberoptimists got wrong - and what t...
The Boys are back in Town: Dieses Jahr haben sich Tschirsich und Saatjohann zusammengetan und zeigen euch unter medizini...
I'll speak about the liketohear framework providing an intuitive gui for self-adjusting the mobile openMHA hearing aid p...
Die USA hat im Vereinigten Königreich die Auslieferung von Julian Assange beantragt. Dazu fanden dieses Jahr zwei Prozes...
How secure is the interface between baseband chips and iOS? While this interface should protect against escalations fro...
Photoresists are one of the essential ingredients for chip manufacturing and micro/nano engineering. We will show how w...
The German Corona-Warn-App was published on June 16, 2020 and has been downloaded more than 23 million times since then....
"Listen to the science" is relatively easy when it comes to mitigating climate change, we need to stop burning fossil fu...
The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Kurt Opsahl with show you how to identify surveillance technologies that law enforc...
On November 13., Nintendo launched its newest retro console, the Nintendo Game and Watch - but by then it was already ha...
The role of the audience in stage performances is changing from passive spectators to contributors making the performanc...
This conference is run by teams of volunteers. In this event, they will provide some insight into the challenges they fa...
State-of-the-art report on Qualcomm DIAG diagnostic protocol research, its modern implementation as it appears in Hexago...
Studying automotive systems is often expensive and inconvenient, which prevents many people from getting started. To mak...
The EU has been pushing for apps that support end-to-end encrypted messaging to contain an upload filter, which will scr...
After the first unsuccessful deployment of voting machines in Germany about ten years ago, elements of electronic voting...
SAR for us does not mean “Search and Rescue", but “Solidarity and Resistance”. We will talk about the mission of the res...
Schwer was los in QualityLand, dem besten aller möglichen Länder. Jeder Monat ist der heißeste seit Beginn der Wettera...
This talk presents an extensive security analysis of trusted-execution environment shielding runtimes, covering over two...
Storing ice volumes of more than 65 meters sea-level equivalent, the ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are by far t...
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the files of infected hosts and demands payment, often in a cryptocurren...
Ich habe mich ein Jahr in meinem Podcast mit den Fragen digitaler Bildung auseinandersetzen müssen. Pünktlich im März di...
This talk gives a brief introduction to natural radioactivity and shows how a detector can be built from simple photodio...
This year saw a major invasion of scientific work into the center of public attention. Scientific results came hot of th...
Welcome to Careables! Care-receivers, healthcare professionals and makers join forces to co-create careables: tailor-ma...
CO2, Kohlenstoffdioxid, ist inzwischen im Bewusstsein aller angekommen. Ob als ppm Wert in der Erdatmosphäre und als Tre...
Surprise from The one and only Yes Men
In October 2020, Paolo Cirio collected 1000 public images of police officers in photos taken during protests in France ...
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