Speculative Streaming

Event start: 1 year, 1 month ago

Event Information

Dec. 28, 2020, 11 a.m. - Dec. 28, 2020, 1 p.m.
No Speakers publicated yet
feminist hackers

During the 2 hours workshop we would like to explore ways of "streaming" to each other, both through text (via Etherpad) or + through audio (via Icecast). We will reflect on the processes that arise from using these tools, by considering forms of online live-ness and simultaneous participation that manifest through listening, waiting and responding. We will use the space of the home-made interface called Temporary Riparian Zone.

The workshop will be split into two sections: first, we will be writing feminist speculative stories on Etherpad. By doing this, we will also start creating scripts and scores which can be used in the second section, the audio streaming section. Starting from our imagination and present needs, damages and technological gaps we will write fragmented narratives of desired future technologies. We will use a pad to write content together that we will be channeling to each other. It will then be transmitted live over a series of broadcast channels co-existing in a live composition interface. We will have a moment of togetherness in the last 20 minutes where we will perform to each other and listen to each other. This last section will be recorded with your consent.


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