Habt alle eine schöne letzte Nacht in der rC3-Welt! Viel Spaß beim Erkunden der Maps, die Ihr noch nicht kennt. Denkt dran, Eure Badges zu exportieren (im Profil). 😉 Kommt gut ins neue Jahr – hoffentlich wird es für uns alle besser und flauschiger als das letzte. // Have a great last night at the rC3-2d-world, you all! Enjoy exploring the maps you don't already know. Remember to export your badges (in your profile). 😉 You all have a happy new year! May it be better and "fluffyer" than the last one.
Learn to Solder with ArduTouch music synthesizer kit and make music, sound, and noise!
In the Hardware Hacking Area assembly:
In this workshop you will learn to solder. Anyone can learn! It's useful. It's fun! We will learn by soldering together a cool, powerful music synthesizer, and learn to make cool music, sound, and noise with a computer chip! For total beginners.