

We are a group of female and non-binary Hackers, called Haecksen*, mostly from German speaking areas. Our assembly is open for everyone who is interested in having a more diverse tech scene.


Wir sind die Haecksen, eine Gruppe aus Hacker*innen aus dem ganzen deutschsprachigen Raum. Unsere Assembly ist offen für alle Neugierigen, die sich mehr Diversity in der Tech-Szene wünschen.

Ihr könnt Euch an das legendäre Lagerfeuer setzen und hacken, über Eure Rolle in der Welt philosophieren und am AEP euren Ärger tauschen. Kommt zu unserer feierlichen Ärgerverlesung am letzten Tag! Besucht das Haecksen-Frystyck und werdet Neuhaeckse!


We are a group of female and non-binary Hackers, called Haecksen¹, mostly from German speaking areas. Our assembly is open for everyone who is interested in having a more diverse tech scene. In our assembly we have a bonfire and a witch's cottage, where you can hack or philosophize, and where we will have room for small workshops or discussions. At the AEP you can share your anger in a creative way. Join the declamation of the (sorry, mostly german) anger on the last day of the event. Visit the Haecksen-breakfast if you think about joining us!

Our group name "Haecksen" is pronounced the same way as the German word for witches "Hexen".

assembly rooms

assembly events

assembly badges

Thumbnail Badge HaecksenFeuer


Thumbnail Badge rc3Haecksen


Thumbnail Badge Haeckse


Thumbnail Badge Haecksen Memorials Collector Badge

Haecksen Memorials Collector Badge

Self-organized Sessions

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