What/who/by whom/for whom is our feminist server. Introduction in the Anarchaserver architecture with LXC containers ...
Habt alle eine schöne letzte Nacht in der rC3-Welt! Viel Spaß beim Erkunden der Maps, die Ihr noch nicht kennt. Denkt dran, Eure Badges zu exportieren (im Profil). 😉 Kommt gut ins neue Jahr – hoffentlich wird es für uns alle besser und flauschiger als das letzte. // Have a great last night at the rC3-2d-world, you all! Enjoy exploring the maps you don't already know. Remember to export your badges (in your profile). 😉 You all have a happy new year! May it be better and "fluffyer" than the last one.
Assembly of different contributions from the galaxy of Hacker Feminism all around the world. The glue is the meeting /etc, Eclectich Tech Carnival, running σινψε the 2002. We have contributions from some self managed servers, like https://systerserver.net/ and https://anarchaserver.org/, fanzines https://psaroskalazines.gr/zines/, books, radio programs https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/hack-or-wave/, codes, games, ...
Riunione di diversi contributi dalla galassia dei femminismi hacker di tutto il mondo. Il collante è l'incontro /etc, Eclectich Tech Carnival, in corso dal 2002. Abbiamo contributi da alcuni server autogestiti, come https://systerserver.net/ e https://anarchaserver.org/, fanzine https://psaroskalazines.gr/zines/, libri, programmi radiofonici https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/hack-or-wave/, codici, giochi, ...
Συγκέντρωση διαφόρων συνεισφορών από τον γαλαξία των Hacker Feminism από όλο τον κόσμο. Η κόλλα είναι το φεστιβαλ /Eclectich Tech Carnival, το οποίο ξεκίνησε το έτος 2002. Έχουμε συνεισφορές από ορισμένους αυτοδιαχειριζόμενους διακομιστές, όπως https://systerserver.net/ και https://anarchaserver.org/, fanzines https://psaroskalazines.gr/zines/, βιβλία, ραδιοφωνικά προγράμματα https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/hack-or-wave/, κώδικες, παιχνίδια, ...
Assemblage van verschillende bijdragen van de melkweg van Hacker Feminisms over de hele wereld. De lijm is de meeting /etc, Eclectich Tech Carnival, die loopt vanaf het jaar 2002. We hebben bijdragen van enkele zelfbeheerde servers, zoals https://systerserver.net/ en https://anarchaserver.org/, fanzines https://psaroskalazines.gr/zines/, boeken, radioprogramma's https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/hack-or-wave/, codes, spelletjes, ...
Assembléia de diferentes contribuições da galáxia de Hackers Feministas em todo o mundo. A cola é a reunião /etc, Eclectich Tech Carnival, que acontece a partir do Carnaval de 2002. Temos contribuições de alguns servidores auto gerenciados, como https://systerserver.net/ e https://anarchaserver.org/, fanzines https://psaroskalazines.gr/zines/, livros, programas de rádio https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/hack-or-wave/, códigos, jogos, ...
Conjunto de diferentes contribuciones de la galaxia de Feministas Hacker de todo el mundo. El pegamento es la reunión /etc, Eclectich Tech Carnival, que se celebra desde el 2002. Tenemos contribuciones de algunos servidores autogestionados, como https://systerserver.net/ y https://anarchaserver.org/, fanzines https://psaroskalazines.gr/zines/, libros, programas de radio https://hackordie.gattini.ninja/hack-or-wave/, códigos, juegos, ...
What/who/by whom/for whom is our feminist server. Introduction in the Anarchaserver architecture with LXC containers ...
Some consideration about the terms, and two small talks one about basic security for sysadminers, the second is how impr...
During this talk, I will introduce the 4-issue zine project about VPN services. How it started, what were the resources,...
During the 2 hours workshop we would like to explore ways of "streaming" to each other, both through text (via Etherpad)...
Have you experienced connectivity issues in a video-call? That is very common in Latin America, and during the lockdown...
UpStage is an online venue (browser-based) for live collaborative artistic performances, using all kinds of digital medi...
* all creatures welcome I'm proposing a participative session where we can exchange about how we deal with anger and ...
A small meeting to check our organization for this rc3.
"Time" has always been a central theme in promises about computers: computers will reduce the time needed to perform sev...
The Eclectic Tech Carnival (/ETC) is a gathering of feminists who critically explore and develop everyday skills and inf...
In the workshop I discuss how crypto currency can be used to achieved anti capitalist means. It is my belief that by in...
We propose a presentation on the Non-mixte workshop on web censorship (process and realization) that we gave in August 2...
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