Der Weltuntergang ist verschoben, wir lassen die Lichter hier bis zum 1. Januar 2022 gegen 11 Uhr an - feiert Silvester gerne in der 2D-Welt oder mit euren Lieben in einem Jitsi-Raum. // The end is not so nigh, we will try to keep everything running until January 1st 2022 ~11am - celebrate new year in the 2D world or with your loved ones via Jitsi.
illumos hackathon
Assembly: Frubar
Like every C3 event, there are many organized, talks, sessions, workshops, ... to attend. Browse the list and see what you can was^Z spend your time on rc3 on.
illumos is a Unix operating system which provides next-generation features for downstream distributions, including advanced system debugging, next generation filesystem, networking, and virtualization options.
Let's find some time to get some features upstream!
- website: